Who Is MediaRevo?

We have already discussed what MediaRevo is. An accomplished boutique digital firm owned and operated by Jeff Tognetti that uses a data-driven platform to successfully run all of its (and its clients’) operations, MediaRevo is a great example of how a start-up can grow with the right business model in place. Based in Edgewater, NJ., MediaRevo has grown from a two-person start-up to a successful company that focuses on the development of cutting edge WordPress technologies, particularly mobile, tablet and PC applications in the automotive niche.

In addition to this, MediaRevo staff have designed and implemented various tools for Search Engine Marketing and Optimization on Google, Bing Paid Search, and other search engine platforms; many of these tools are used by Fortune 500 Companies like Volkswagen USA.

The success of MediaRevo is made possible by two major factors: Jeff Tognetti himself, and a core set of staff – this staff:

ImageIn addition to these core staff members, MediaRevo employs over 40 sales and support professionals and specialists.

MediaRevo’s entire team, from Jeff Tognetti to each individual sales specialist, is committed to delivering cutting edge and savvy digital marketing solutions based on enthusiasm for what these people do. Every person at MediaRevo holds a real understanding of the issues that affect both their clients and their clients’ customers. The team overall always strives to be a trusted extension of their clients’ own sales team, producing results that directly and positively impact a clients’ business objectives. MediaRevo achieves this through an unwavering commitment to technological innovation, financial responsibility and the entrepreneurial spirit.

Tognetti and his staff are the kind of people who answer phone calls at any time of the day (or night); they are the people who stay and work a weekend shift to finish a last-minute assignment. Without Tognetti and MediaRevo’s staff working so effectively, no one would have coded the software, designed the ultra-concise data strategy, or wrote the strange algorithm that now drive MediaRevo’s (or DealerX’s) services.

That’s why for MediaRevo (and Jeff Tognetti) it’s not all just about what they do; it’s about having the right staff to do it.

*Screenshot taken from MediaRevo’s website on 7/8/13

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